UCCS 3MT 2022 Final Competition Program


UCCS 3MT 2022 Final Competition Program


Event: UCCS 3MT 2022 Final Competition

When: Friday, April 1, 2022, 15:00-17:00 (PST)

Where: Asian Centre Auditorium, UBC, Vancouver Campus


The final competition of UBC Undergraduate Conference of Chinese Studies 3MT 2022 will be held on Friday, April 1, 2022, 15:00-17:00 (PST) at the Asian Centre Auditorium, UBC, Vancouver Campus.


For safety concerns, the event will be offered in a reduced in-person format. Attendance is limited to contestants, judges, and organizers. In the meantime, the event will be live-streamed over ZOOM for the public to view. Please mark the ZOOM link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9994947839?pwd=c0xaaHQ1aXJYYTNzRFd6djR6eGtkdz09


In the final competition, 10 finalists will successively deliver 3-minute presentations on research topics ranging from classical Chinese literature, modern Chinese literature, and contemporary Chinese films. Judges will assess presentations, choose winners, and present prizes in the end.



The event program is as follows:


Opening Remarks: 

Dr. Qian Wang, Director of the Chinese Language Program, Asian Studies, UBC


Guest of Honour Speech:

Dr. Christopher Rea, Associate Head, Asian Studies, UBC


Finalists and Topics (in competition order)

  1. 徐西晋 / Xijin Xu:探究王维在多元思想下的自我和解之路 

“The Role of Child Characters in Shaping Adult Characters: A Case Study of Wang Wei”

  1. 肖梓欣 / Zixin Xiao:苏轼是否通晓音律 

“Is Su Shi Proficient in Temperament?”

  1. 邸启宸 / Dylan Qichen Di:浅论“冯氏喜剧”为何风光不再——以《非诚勿扰 2》和《私人定制》为例 

“Why ‘Feng’s Comedy’ Is No Longer Attractive: A Brief Discussion of If You Are the One II and Personal Tailer

  1. 杨嘉欣 / Jiaxin Yang:越过文化的山丘——浅析唐代庾岭题咏中的“他者”文化及其现实意义 

“Crossing the Hill of Culture: An Analysis of the Culture of ‘the Other’ and Its Significance Revealed in the Poems of Yu Ling Mountains in the Tang Dynasty”

  1. 陈芃芃 / Pengpeng Chen:《妻妾成群》、《霸王别姬》、《白鹿原》中的欲望畸变 

“The Distortion of Lust and Desire in Wives and Concubines, Farewell My Concubine, and White Deer Plain

  1. 郭雨昕 / Yuxin Guo:“梦里不知身是客,一晌贪欢”——浅析《南柯太守传》中“亦真亦幻”之感”

“‘In the dream, I was carried away, enjoying a short spell of pleasure’: A Brief Analysis on the Expression of “Reality and Illusion” in The Legend of Prefect Nanke

  1. 彭禹涵 / Yuhan Peng:试论蕴藏在苏轼豪放词中的婉约与温柔面

“A Tentative Discussion of the Graceful and Gentle Side of Su Shi’s Unrestrained Ci

  1. 刘馨源 / Xinyuan Liu:以侠心度庙堂 ——从《水浒传》与《三侠五义》看古代白话武侠中的官侠关系

“To Judge the Government by Xia’s Standards: A Study of Relationship between the Knight-errant and Government in Water Margin and The Seven Heroes and Five Gallants

  1. 赵乐彤 / Letong Zhao:浅析婚姻中的不同女性话语权对女性主体意识觉醒的作用 ——以《萧萧》、《倾城之恋》及《论婚嫁与女子职业》为例

“The Role of Individual Voices of Married Women in the Awakening of Women’s Group Consciousness: A Brief Analysis of Xiao Xiao, Love in a Fallen City, and Marriage and Women’s Profession

  1. 古璇 / Xuan Gu & 徐西晋 / Xijin Xu & 尚远菲 / Yuanfei Shang & 詹文涵 / Wenhan Zhan:论李清照《一剪梅》中“花自飘零水自流”的含义 

“The Meaning of ‘Blossoms fall on their own, the water flows by itself’ in A Single Cutting of Plum Blossoms by Li Qingzhao”



Judges on the Adjudication Committee:

Dr. Christopher Rea, Professor in Modern Chinese Literature, Asian Studies, UBC

Dr. Alison Bailey, Assistant Professor in Pre-modern Chinese Literature, Asian Studies, UBC

Dr. Kay Duffy, Assistant Professor of Premodern Sinitic Poetry, Asian Studies, UBC

Dr. Renren Yang, Assistant Professor in Modern Chinese Popular Culture, Asian Studies, UBC

Rui Ding, Ph.D. Student, Asian Studies, UBC

Haoyue Li, Ph.D. Student, Asian Studies, UBC

Jiaqi Yao, Ph.D. Candidate, Asian Studies, UBC

Anqi Gao, President of UBC Student Association of Sinology, UBC; Alumna UBC; MFRE Student, Food and Resource Economics, UBC

Peter Zou, Head of Culture Department of Hanfu Culture Association, UBC; Ph.D. Candidate, Faculty of Medicine, UBC

Tianyu Han, Alumnus UBC; MPhil Student, Development Studies, University of Cambridge

Yiru Wang, Alumna UBC; M.A. Student, Film and Media Studies, Columbia University



The following winners will be selected by the Adjudication Committee using a 3MT judging rubric with two criteria: 1) communication & content 2) engagement.

One First Prize winner will receive a $200 CAD research grant and a certificate

Two Second Prize winners will receive a $100 CAD research grant and a certificate

Three Third Prize winners will receive a $50 CAD research grant and a certificate

Four People’s Choice winners will receive a copy of The Craft of Research and a certificate