UBC CSSA 六城新生见面会

UBC Chinese Students and Scholars Association (UBC CSSA) 多年来致力于服务华人学生,每年开展20多项活动,覆盖数千人,是主要由英属哥伦比亚大学的华人和华裔学生及学者组成的非政治性、非盈利性的互助服务组织,也是UBC 校内的大型综合类华人社团。中国学生学者联谊会的主要目标是为UBC广大学生学者们提供协助和服务,丰富华人群体校园生活,增进学生学者与当地社区之间的社会、知识、文化活动交流。
UBC Chinese Students and Scholars Association (UBC CSSA) has been dedicated to serving Chinese students for many years. With over 20 annual events that reach thousands of individuals, we are a non-political, non-profit mutual aid organization composed mainly of Chinese and Chinese-Canadian students and scholars at the University of British Columbia (UBC). We are also one of the largest comprehensive Chinese student associations on UBC’s campus. The main goal of the Chinese Students and Scholars Association is to provide assistance and services to UBC students and scholars, enrich the campus life of the Chinese community, and promote social, intellectual, and cultural exchanges between students, scholars, and the local community.

2023 UBC CSSA新生见面会邀请函:

即将踏上陌生的国度、校园和生活,你是否感到兴奋又略感不安?作为来自中国的留学生,我们都将面临”个人安全”、”学业规划”、”独立生活”和”行李准备”等四大挑战。同时,还有”签证申请”、”学费缴纳”、”宿舍申请”、”租房”、”生活琐事”、”SSC服务”、”银行开户”、”信用记录”、”选课抢课”和”社交交友”等各种支线挑战!面对如此众多挑战,你或许会想,该如何找到未来攻克UBC大boss的伙伴?对新学校和环境充满好奇,但也难免焦虑?别担心!我们的见面会将为你解答疑惑,让你轻松应对新学校和新环境。在这个令人温馨的见面会上,你将有机会与UBC CSSA的学长学姐以及未来的同学们亲密互动。我们将帮助你扩展社交圈,寻找与你共同攀登UBC巅峰的队友!
As you embark on your journey to a foreign land, a new city, and an unfamiliar campus, we understand the mix of excitement and apprehension you may feel. As Chinese students stepping into the world of international education, each one of us will face four main challenges: “Personal Safety,” “Academic Planning,” “Independent Living,” and “Luggage Preparation.” Additionally, we will encounter various sub-challenges such as “Visa Application,” “Tuition Payment,” “Dormitory Application,” “Renting Accommodations,” “Daily Essentials,” “Student Service Center (SSC),” “Bank Account Setup,” “Credit Records,” “Course Selection,” and “Socializing and Making Friends.”
With these numerous challenges approaching, you might be wondering how to find your teammates to conquer the UBC boss together. Are you curious about the new school and environment, feeling a little anxious? Fret not! All your doubts will be resolved at our upcoming meetup. Grab your ticket and join us at the New Student Meetup!



  • 成功攻略分享:亲身聆听经验丰富的学长学姐与你面对面交流,了解他们是如何克服挑战,给出宝贵建议和实用技巧。
  • Challenge Strategies Sharing: Engage in face-to-face conversations with experienced seniors and learn how they overcame challenges. Gain valuable advice and practical tips.


  • 新生指南:深入了解签证申请、学费缴纳、宿舍申请、租房、生活琐事等关键事项,帮助你轻松迈出新生活的第一步。
  • New Student Orientation: Get detailed insights on visa applications, tuition payments, dormitory applications, renting accommodations, and daily essentials. Take the first step towards a smooth transition into your new life.


  • 选课攻略:掌握选课抢课技巧,避免选课焦虑,制定理想的学习计划。
  • Course Selection Guide: Understand the techniques for course selection, alleviate your course registration worries, and plan your ideal academic journey.


  • 留学资源共享:获取关于校园资源、社团活动、社交网络等方面的信息,助你更好地融入UBC大家庭。
  • Study Abroad Resources Sharing: Access information about campus resources, club activities, social networks, and more, to help you integrate seamlessly into the UBC community.


  • 互动交流:学长学姐线上线下答疑,结识志同道合的朋友,共同度过难忘的时光。
  • Interactive Networking: Engage in online and offline Q&A sessions with senior students, meet like-minded friends, and create unforgettable memories together.



  • 扫描下方二维码报名参与新生见面会 (有家长陪同的,一个家庭登记一位)欢迎大家邀请自己的亲朋好友一起来参与,也欢迎往届 UBC 校友前来交流学习~
  • Scan the QR code below to register and participate in the New Student Meetup. (For parents accompanying their child, please register one family member per registration.) We welcome everyone to invite their relatives and friends to join us, and we also welcome UBC alumni from previous years to come and exchange knowledge and experiences.


  • 添加客服进入见面会的对应城市群~
  • Add CSSA WeChat account to join the corresponding WeChat group.