UBC UCCS 3MT Competition 2023 Call For Paper




Undergraduate students at UBC are invited to submit abstracts for the UBC Undergraduate Conference of Chinese Studies 3-Minute Thesis Competition 2023, to be held at UBC from February to March 2023. The conference will provide student researchers with the valuable opportunity to present their academic work in front of UBC faculty and fellow students. We welcome applications from students engaged in research on all fields of Chinese Studies. While applicants may situate their work in disciplines, including language, literature, cinema, history, etc., we especially encourage works that cross disciplinary boundaries to interrogate new possibilities of Chinese Studies.


“UBC UCCS 3MT 2023”,暨2023年UBC漢學論壇,将于2023年2-3月举行。作为UBC漢学社旗下的年度汉学研讨大会,漢學論壇旨在展示与交流汉学领域的本科生学术研究作品。作品包括但不限于语言研究、文学研究、电影研究、文化研究和史学研究,并最终以“三分钟学术演讲(3-Minute Thesis Presentation)”的形式展开讨论。在此,汉学社诚邀UBC学生积极参与、踊跃报名,向论坛提交论文摘要,向各位老师和同学展示学术研究成果并开展交流活动。



The UCCS 2023 theme is Roaming Freely Among the Arts

The world is constantly changing in unexpected directions. Broad-based learning has been on the defensive in the face of the pandemic, global conflicts, and climate change.

Amid dire crises 2,500 years ago, liberal educator Confucius staked out key spiritual strengths of a leader of good nature: “I look to truth, rest on virtue, lean on benevolence, and roam freely among the arts.” From archaic skills of zither-plucking and charioteering to modern disciplines of liberal arts, do spiritual exercises in lofty ideals truly promise a good life? Or are they just the mirage of an oasis that blurs the divide between fact and fancy? Is it worth our resilience to chart earthly paths under the starry sky of imaginary visions?

Let us constantly ponder these inquiries in the studies of Chinese literature and culture, a discourse that never fails to empower learners to engage with critical examination of fallacies and truths. To cope with today’s difficulties, it is a vital time to dig into renewed values the arts have to offer: inclusion, reconciliation, civic engagement, individual freedom, enthusiasm for exploration of the unknown, and the ability to think critically about everything we encounter. With open minds and hearts to new ideas, the type of personal improvement Confucius advocated for may sustain us through a protean world.

From the wisdom of past thinkers, we set out to explore challenging ideas essential to preserving intellectual diversity.




两千五百年前,孔子以君子为理想人格,为生徒开列学艺清单:“志于道,据于德,依于人,游于艺。” 从礼乐、射御的古典艺能,到人文、思辩的现代百科,无数追求理想的执念果真救人于水火么?抑或不过是蜃影幻象,让人更加难辨世间的真伪虚实?向着星辰的方向,趱赶人间的道路,那份痴迷的尽头究竟在何方呢?





Applicants are expected to submit a 200-Chinese-character or 150-English-word abstract, via the Self-nomination Link, by January 15, 2023. The proposals will be reviewed by reviewers based on the criteria of theoretical clarity, proposal structure, contribution to the field, and relevance to the conference theme and sub-fields. Acceptance of proposals will be issued afterward, with instructions on how to upload your 3-minute videotaped presentation onto Canvas for the semi-finals.





UCCS 3MT 2023 will comprise two stages of competition:

  1. Virtual Competition (Semi-finals): presenters will give presentations on pre-taped videos, to be posted on the Canvas website of the conference. The semi-finals will take place from February 1-28, 2023.
  2. In-person Competition (Final): 10 finalists will each deliver a talk of no longer than 3 minutes based on an academic paper, without a QA session after the talk. The final will take place on March 31, 2023, at the Great Hall, UBC NEST


本届论坛包括两个阶段的比赛。线上初赛将于2023年2月1日至28日举行,届时参赛选手的演讲视频会发布于UCCS的UBC Canvas平台;最终入围选手将于2023年3月31日在 The Great Hall, UBC NEST 参加线下决赛,决赛选手将基于自己的学术课题进行3分钟现场学术演讲,向同学和老师们展示自己的研究成果。欢迎各位同学踊跃投稿,让2023年UBC漢學論壇听见你的声音!


You may also scan the QR code and submit your abstract on your smartphone (扫描二维码即可在智能手机上报名、投稿).