As a constituted member of the UBC Alma Mater Society, the UBC Student Association of Sinology (USAS), or 漢學社 in Chinese, is looking for candidates who are interested in Chinese studies to JOIN US! Below you may read through specific information about available positions in various units. You may also find and fill out the Application Form at the bottom of this page.
USAS is honored and privileged to serve as the preparation committee of the annual Undergraduate Conference of Chinese Studies (UCCS, 漢學論壇). Following the success of the first UCCS in 2020, USAS will host the second UCCS in 2022. Our goal is to develop UCCS into one of the top student-led interdisciplinary academic events in North America.
UBC漢學社是年度学术会议“漢學論壇”(Undergraduate Conference of Chinese Studies)的筹委会。我们的目标是将一年一度的“漢學論壇”发展成为跨校际、跨学科的高校本科生汉学学术盛会。
Fraser Literary Review (萬卷雜誌) is a biweekly Ezine aimed at creating a dynamic and inclusive intellectual discourse for students of Chinese studies. As its editorial committee, USAS invites submissions of works of varied topics and genres.
UBC漢學社是人文休闲微杂志“萬卷(Fraser Literary Review)”的编委会。我们向关注本杂志的同学征稿,来稿体裁、题材不限,趣味与格调并重最佳。
Another mission of USAS is to inspire and nurture creative minds at cultural clubs (文化研習俱樂部). Not only do we listen to your ideas, but we relay them to a wider audience and help you get closer to your dreams. The ENLIGHT movie club, created by a group of passionate UBC students, is the first extension of USAS. Join us and bring your ideas about cultural clubs to USAS.
We hope that, under our efforts and your support, the USAS will become one of the hallmarks of UBC life. We are very excited about meeting you soon at USAS!

USAS Team Introduction
Event and Club Management
The Event and Club Management team is mainly in charge of planning events and managing interest groups. We work closely with other USAS teams to organize various seasonal events. Meanwhile, we serve as a liaison between interest groups and USAS. Our interest groups range from traditional Chinese garden design, calligraphy, Kunqu opera performance, Guqin music to gourmet cooking, films, museum studies, Chinese and English translation. Each interest group shares USAS resources and platforms, but is independent and responsible for its own activities and management. Through our joint efforts, we hope to set the stage for showcasing and promoting China’s traditional culture.
Affiliated Cultural Clubs
- Enlight Movie Club
- Poetry Club
- Calligraphy Practice
- Qunqu Opera
- Traditional Garden Design
- Guqin and Classical Melodies
- Gourmet Cooking
- Art History
- Chinese-English Translation
- Work with other USAS teams to plan seasonal events
- Keep up with the development of interest groups
- Communicate with interest group leaders
- Enlight电影社
- 诗词吟诵
- 书法艺术
- 昆曲表演
- 古典园林设计
- 古琴古乐
- 美食烹饪
- 博物馆(艺术史)研究
- 中英文翻译
- 策划、创立、协调多种兴趣小组的活动
- 联动各兴趣小组与社团各部门,策划创新性应季活动
- 整合俱乐部艺能资源,开发文创周边,促进文化交流
UCCS Organizing Committee
The UCCS Organizing Committee team is responsible for designing and implementing the competition mode of UBC Undergraduate Conference of Chinese Studies (UCCS), a yearly academic event held by UBC USAS. We aim to develop UCCS into an inclusive forum where students of Chinese Studies from different disciplines and institutions convene for academic discussion. To that end, we are dedicated to establishing a platform of knowledge sharing under new trends of media and information technology, which allows vibrant and refreshing experiences in interchange of ideas. Please join us if you are experienced in organization of large events and possess the willpower to turn conceptions into realities.
- Design the competition mode of UCCS, and formulate detailed scheme and program of the conference under such a mode
- Devise a platform of knowledge sharing aimed at improvement of learning experiences
- Draft and publicize conference-related materials such as copywriting, graphic design, and audio-video data
本部门承担学术大会“漢學論壇”的策划与组织工作。“漢學論壇” (Undergraduate Conference of Chinese Studies) 是由UBC漢學社筹办的年度学术大会。我们将持续对UCCS会议模式作出创新与升级。在参与范围上,大会将逐步建立北美高校校际学术联赛机制。在学术版图上,大会将覆盖与汉学研究相关的传统学科、交叉学科、边际学科等一应学科领域。在呈现方式上,大会拟结合媒体、科技、流行文化领域的新兴潮流,持续开发出新颖、高效、生动的交互式(在线或临场)学术交流与传播平台。在推动学术探索的同时,大会竭力营造思想性、娱乐值、设计感并存的知识共享体验。如果你对大型活动策划有丰沛的想象力,有将梦想化作现实的强大执行力,有较强的书面与口头表达能力,而且对媒体传播有兴趣和经验,欢迎加入“漢學論壇”策划部!
- 策划校际学术联赛机制,制定配套的年度或历时性活动方案
- 建立流媒体平台,打造大会的无边界知识共享体验
- 制定、发布、推广与大会相关的文案、平面设计、影像资料
Editorial Team of Fraser Literary Review
The Editorial team of Fraser Literary Review is responsible for commissioning articles, creating topics of interest, proofreading and editing written materials. Fraser Literary Review is a bi-weekly online magazine, covering a wide variety of topics and genres (including but not limited to fiction, nonfiction, essay, literary/art/film review, cultural/historical research paper, photography, short video clips, etc.). Authors whose works are selected can expect certain gift reward.
- Brainstorm ideas for the theme of each issue
- Communicate with writers
- Read and edit manuscripts
本部门是UBC漢學社 “萬卷” 微杂志(Fraser Literary Review)的编辑部,负责策划专题、征稿、组稿、审稿、发稿等编辑事务。该杂志目前为半月刊网络杂志,竭诚向各界读者征稿,来稿体裁、题材不限,趣味与格调并重最佳。如果你有文学原创、文学评论、文化随笔、艺术评论、电影评论、非虚构报道、风俗研究、历史钩沉、理论争鸣、艺术创作、摄影创作、短视频等原创作品,请不吝赐稿。同时,我们欢迎热爱文学创作、热衷文化交流、擅长专题策划的同学加入编辑部,在“万卷”微杂志的舞台上展露你的才华。
- 明确办刊宗旨,策划杂志专题
- 对外联系专家、学者、作家、文化人物,积极组稿
- 审读、编辑稿件,确保准时发刊
Media Operations
The Media Operations team is responsible for promoting USAS on social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, WeChat subscription account, and Weibo blog. We work shoulder to shoulder with the Chinese and English copywriters, as well as the editorial team of Fraiser Literary Review, in the effort to reach a wider audience and generate publicity.
- Maintain page activity on social media platforms
- Produce advertising materials of all formats
- Publish Fraser Literary Review on WeChat Subscription Account
- 维护社团的微信公众号、微博、Facebook、Twitter、Instagram等社交媒体
- 在社交媒体上设计、发布社团信息、活动推文、微杂志专题
- 探索、策划最前沿的社交媒体传播方式
Website Operations
The Website Operations team is responsible for creating and maintaining the website of UBC Student Association of Sinology (USAS). We work closely with other teams to provide timely updates, including recruitment information, online and offline activities, relevant social media news, etc. We’re also involved in the online platform preparation for the annual Chinese Literature Research Conference.
- Design and maintain USAS webpage
- Collaborate with other teams for up-to-date information
- 设计并维护UBC漢學社网站 (
- 与社团其他部门密切沟通,定期更新网页内容
- 探索并实践创新性的网页设计方案
Human Resources
The Human Resources and Management team is committed to recruiting new members, who are interested in promoting Chinese culture, to USAS. We will make every effort to match the right talent to the right roles. Also, as the ‘glue’ of USAS, we maintain close relationships with other teams to listen to their needs and wants.
- Check the online recruitment questionnaires on a regular basis, collect resumes, and send them to USAS president and HR manager for review
- Organize personnel files of USAS members
- Coordinate between department managers and members to ensure effective communication.
- 设计并跟踪招新问卷,收集申请人简历,协助社团主席对人力资源进行面试与分配
- 整理、归档、更新社团成员的工作信息
- 与社团各部门主管与成员保持沟通,确保各部门和谐、有效运转
Graphic Design
The graphic design team is responsible for the visual presentation of USAS on social media as well as offline events. In collaboration with the Media Operations and Copywriting teams, we contribute to the branding of USAS through our creative work. We also play a major role in designing the cultural and creative products of USAS.
- Beautify USAS-related images, to be used on webpages and social media platforms
- Design event posters and promotional materials
- Design cultural and creative products for USAS
- 创意设计漢學社品牌及活动的视觉形象
- 策划、设计活动海报、宣传图片、视觉元素方案
- 与漢學社文化研习俱乐部密切合作,创意设计文创周边产品
- 结合文化元素,探索新型的视觉设计(图像、影像)技巧与方案
Chinese Copywriting
The Chinese Copywriting team is responsible for creating Chinese text and coverage on USAS. We draft rigorous and creative copywriting to promote the events and public relations held by USAS. We work closely with other units to ensure the copywriting we produce is highly compatible with its use under context. Please join us if you are a creative writer!
- Produce high-quality Chinese copywriting to be used on the website, social media, and posters of USAS
- Draft newsletters in Chinese to cover the events held by USAS
- Design original and catchy sentences or texts to promote the activities of cultural clubs
- 为社团网页、公众号推文、海报设计、活动宣传等提供高质量的中文文案
- 不懈磨砺文字品质,协助开发文创周边。
English Communications
Our responsibilities are oriented around promoting cultural communication, bridging the gap between Chinese and English. We provide translation services for USAS, write and edit English texts, and manage USAS English coverage on social media. Native speakers of English or Chinese who are enthusiastic about cross-language writing are welcome to join us. Our team is rich in opportunities of writing and translation that are of great extension to one’s professional skills.
- Write and edit short-essay-length news, feature stories, newsletters, applications for funding, etc.
- Recruit speakers and writers of English
- Work with UBC Alma Mater Society (AMS) to ensure effective communication
- 撰写、编辑英文文案
- 为社团活动提供中英文翻译服务
- 维护Facebook、Instagram、Twitter等英文社交媒体
- 开展校内、校际外联活动
- 负责与UBC Alma Mater Society 的工作沟通,维持社团的AMS地位
Our team is responsible for coordinating the allocation of funds within the club, developing budgets for the activities of each unit, and reviewing the income and expenses after each event. We will also collaborate with other units within USAS to provide a secure financial base for future development. If interested in learning the ropes of finance, please do not hesitate to join us.
- Coordinate the allocation of funds within USAS, devise budgets for various activities, review income and expenses after each activity, etc.
- Manage the bookkeeping and record the accounts of various activities
- Responsible, conscientious, and hardworking, proficient in Google sheet, Excel, and other related software
- 负责协调社团内部的资金分配,为各项活动制定预算,审核每次活动后的收入与支出等
- 管理账本,记录各项活动账目
- 责任心强,认真努力,熟练掌握Google sheet、Excel等软件
To apply, please go to the following link to complete the application form and submit.